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Since you’re here I know you strive to succeed in life – whether your aim is to get your dream job, ask for a promotion, ‘win’ a big contract or build your business or social network.
In this highly competitive world, presenting yourself as the highest qualified person in many situations does not necessarily ‘win’ you the job.
Increasingly, Recruiters and Human Resources Officers are looking to employ individuals who offer more ‘intangible skills’ and attributes.
But what exactly are these ‘intangible skills’ – and how do you set yourself apart from the competition – and not make the common mistakes job seekers make.
When you learn the assertive behavior and communication skills that are needed to project a confident self-image, you will have in your ‘tool –box’ a set of skills that will propel you forward in many aspects of your life.
Most of our working life (collectively 45+ years) has involved working in the recruitment industry and in recruiting and training our own staff for the businesses we have owned. We have recruited for a variety of positions across multiple industry sectors, ranging from graduate positions, customer service, event staff, technical and engineering to senior level management positions for small businesses to global organisations in the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia.
What we found is, the hiring process is similar no matter what the position or...
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