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It begins with a startling discovery by a guy named John. And once this gets out... everybody's gonna want to track him down. First things first. There are two interesting things you should know about John.
Now... after a year of white sands, beautiful women, and more Aussie beer than he could handle... John is now earning...
Maybe John took this secret to his grave. Maybe he stayed in Australia and lived out his days chasing beautiful long legged Australian women. Maybe he would have married, settled down and wrote his memoirs from a tropical island in Thailand.
The truth is... John did NONE of these things. He returned to Key West, Florida where he lived quietly for several years.
Sure, I talked a 'good game'. But the truth is... I was in deep trouble and my life was rapidly spinning out of control.
Have you ever felt your world collapse? Where you've dug yourself a hole so deep it seems you'll never escape?
It happened one dark and stormy May night. Hurricane season was starting up, and the dark clouds did nothing for my mood.
There was nothing to do. I was beaten. I worked my ass off at the loading docks six days a week, and still couldn't pay the bills.
So I sat there... with my feet up on the living room table and a six pack of beer... and wondered what the hell I did to deserve this.
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