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* Metatrader 4 Build 500 version released and adjustable SL/TP/Entry values are no longer useful with the Trader On Chart or any other software with this kind of feature. MetaQuotes made this possible on any MT4 client terminal without no 3rd party software and honestly it is better solution than i ever seen with any other software. * Adjustable SL/TP/Entry feature is turned off by default now. You can turn it on and use with older MT4 client terminal. * EA is set to update adjusted SL/TP/Entry values each 1 second instead of 2 seconds. * Fixed problem when EA changed back entry price after you adjust SL/TP or entry price with the mouse. * Fixed problem with the "TP in seconds" as it was setting TP in pips at the same time as well.
* UI interface has changed a bit as new buttons were added. Now you can hide/show main ToC window by a single mouse click. * Pending orders can be placed from a ToC window. You can choose what type of pending order you want and an entry price. Entry price can be set exactly or by a distance in pips from a current market price. * Pending orders can be adjusted by a mouse easily like take profit and stop loss values. * Now you are allowed to set take profit and stop loss manually as well. * Added 2 more choices for setting lot size. Now EA can set lot size as per risk in % percent and money (deposit currency). * Added 1 more choice for setting stop loss. Now EA can set stop loss on the high/low price of the last bar. * Added 2 more choices for setting take profit. Now EA can set take profit according to the...
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