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Your quilting business | recommended investing

Your Quilting Business

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Dear Friend and Quilting Lover, I've got some amazing things to share with you about quilting.  By the number of emails I've been getting, I know that many of you are just as excited about this new package as I am :-)   So here goes...  Let me ask you a couple of questions first..

 -    Do you love quilting?     -    Would you like to make money from your quilting?     If you answered yes to either of these questions you are in the right place at the right time!

Let me tell you how YOU can start earning that sort of income, from home, using your quilting skills even if you've only just caught the quilting bug.     I can hear you asking - "Why have I decided to provide this information to you?"             Awesome question:- It started when a friend of mine - Bek - said she had just started quilting and people where paying her to quilt for them...  In fact she was embarrassed by how much people were paying for her quilts!  After all she'd only been quilting a few months.       Being an inquisitive person I asked her all about it, her story blew me away and got me thinking..  If people just understood a few of the things Bek told me, they too could easily turn their quilting into a business!!  Well any craft into a business - actually!!     So I set about interviewing Bek to get every last bit of information from her..  I took this information and with the help of a professional researcher, turned this information into the best quilting business book available.  We made sure the information was going to be useful to you, no matter where in the world you live!!  Quilting is such a world wide phenomena...

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