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Are You Frustrated Because You Want To Get Your Passions, Your Expertise Out In The World or Grow Your Business, But You Don’t Have A Crystal Clear Plan On How To Make Money and Make a Difference?
I absolutely understand that being a heart-centered entrepreneur has its challenges. There are demands on your time, wanting to really make a difference but stuck not knowing how to be of service or if you already have a business, over-delivering and under-charging plus too many marketing options that make life overwhelming. It’s frustrating because in your heart, you’re just not sure what the next, best steps are or you, in reality, you might actually be sabotaging yourself.
If you answered “YES” to one or more of these, then this is an exciting moment for you! Why? Because you’re in the right place and you’re invited to join a program that will move you purposefully forward…You start off with a 7 day free program that is designed to help you get your feet wet.
PLEASE NOTE: Does taking this training guarantee that you will make money with meaning and have a profitable business in 13 months? Absolutely not! Your desire to LEARN what it takes to make money with meaning, have a purposeful profitable business and your continued effort to do what it takes to make your business dreams come true is what separates the successful heart-centered business owners from the ones who never realize their full potential.
This How To Make Money With Meaning Inspired Solutions Business Program as well as the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur Success Club will give...
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